How to Start a Podcast
(For Your Coaching Business)
Does This Sound Like You?
Coach or Consultant who's looking to:
Grow your following
Bring in new leads
Establish yourself as an expert in your niche
Network with others in your industry
Landing Speaking Engagements
Have been thinking about podcasting for a while, but keep putting it off for one reason or another
Feel like you just don't have the time to start yet another new thing
Overwhelmed and not even sure where to begin when it comes to starting a podcast
Intimidated by the tech (or the idea in general)
Just want someone to tell you exactly what to do and how to do it
What's Included in the Course?
My How to Start a Podcast (For Your Coaching Business) online course will walk you through the entire process of starting a podcast for your business.

What's That? You Want More? No Problem!
Not only does this course contain the information listed above that my one-on-one clients pay literally thousands of dollars for, but it also includes:
A bonus section with tips and guidance on topics that will be relevant after you launch!
50% off a 60-minute consultation call where you can ask me any questions you have! ($150 value)
10% off one of my auditing packages where I will review your podcast's set-up prior to your launch! (Up to a $50 value)