Podcast Launch Consultation Packages
Hey There, Coach.
I bet I can guess what you’re doing right now. You’re sitting at your laptop (or with your phone in your face). You’re thinking about your passion and how it would make an even bigger impact if you could just grow that audience of yours.
Or maybe you’re thinking a podcast would be a fun way to place yourself as an expert in whatever it is you’re an expert in.
But you’re a bit stuck. As in “I want to do this podcast thing, but I have no idea where the hell to start.”
Podcasting doesn’t have to intimidate you. I’ve gotcha covered.
As in, there’s no reason why you have ever needed to know what an RSS feed is or how to use a mixer. And I give you permission to dump those terms out of your head for now, if you’d like.
Get the Support You Need for the Podcast You Want
I want you to have all the support (without being overwhelmed).
That means holding your hand and giving you step-by-step guides.
That means providing resources.
That means optional weekly check-ins on “how you doin’?”
It even means doing the more tech-heavy tasks for you.
Because there’s no reason you should feel like you can’t take the next step to grow your audience.
It’s all about having the right support and the right tools to get there.
It’s time to launch your podcast.
Why Hire an Expert?
Save Time
You could spend weeks (or months) researching what needs to get done.
OR, you could have a chat with me and get an easy to follow breakdown in one call.
Regular check-ins (weekly, if needed) will keep you on track for your launch date. I won’t let you forget because I’m just as invested as you are to make this dream happen.
Expert Feedback
I’ll review every item of your podcast, including the stuff you never realized you needed. You’ll get yourself expert feedback right in your hands about what works best and what might need to be tweaked.
Four Packages To Choose From
That voice inside you that keeps popping up? The one that tells you that you just HAVE to get a podcast going?
Yeah, it’s there for a reason.
It’s because it knows it’s a really good way to reach out to your audience.
It knows you’ve got more than enough to share.
It knows it’s the next logical step.
And ugh, you’d be good at it, too.
The podcasting world has plenty of room for you.
You just need to jump in and claim your space.
If you’re ready to use your voice on the world’s most powerful platform
(And if you’re here, I’m pretty sure you’re ready)
Then pull up a chair and let’s have a chat.
On a Budget and Prefer to Go the DIY Route?
Check out my online, self-paced course that will guide you through the entire process.