02: How a Podcast Will Bring in New Leads for Your Coaching or Consulting Business

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In this episode, I’m diving into why podcasting is so powerful; especially for coaches and consultants.

I'll be explaining what makes it the perfect platform for you to get your message and services out there and how podcasts can uniquely build trust with potential clients and turn you into an authority in your field.

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Welcome to podcasting for coaches. I'm Britany Felix and I'm a podcast launch consultant who specializes in helping coaches and consultants utilize the power of podcasting as a way to build brand awareness and generate new leads for their business. I realize not every new coach or consultant can afford to hire someone to help launch their show. So I created this podcast as a way to guide you through the process of launching and utilizing your very own podcast to help you grow your business and reach a new audience of adoring followers and potential clients. If you're ready to get your voice and podcast out into the world, head over to podcasting for coaches.com to learn more. In last week's episode of podcasting for coaches, I explained using data and statistics, why podcasting is so powerful right now. But today, I want to dive a little bit more into what is it specifically about podcasts that makes them so powerful, what makes a podcast a perfect platform for you to put your voice and your message and your services out into the world. So the absolute main thing right now, besides just reaching a new audience, is being able to build trust. If you are a coach or consultant, I'm sure you have heard, you need to build the know like and trust factor. You know, you need to have this know like and trust factor your audience needs to trust you. There's a reason all of those things are said it's because they're true. People are so much more likely to open up their wallets and give their time to someone who they trust someone who they feel is almost like a friend. So as a coach or consultant, you know that building that trust is a very large part of what you do. building that bond forming that connection is a huge part of how you get business. And I would venture to say that beyond any thing else. Beyond blogging, beyond newsletters, beyond even Facebook Lives, podcasting is the best way to build trust with your audience. Yes, Facebook Lives are close second, however, people miss those, they can't subscribe. Sometimes they get notifications, Facebook is distracting. There are a ton of reasons and a ton of negatives. As to why Facebook Live is not the best way to build trust with your audience and build that connection. podcasting, on the other hand, is fantastic for this. You are literally in their ears. Most people listen to podcasts when they are in the middle of doing something else. doing housework, working out at the gym, driving in their car, walking their dog, whatever it is that they're doing, you are in their earbuds. So you are going straight into their brain, and they are connecting with you. If you really truly let your personality show, they feel like you're their friend. And if you post consistently, every single week so that you don't let them down, they come to rely on you. They look forward to your episodes every week. They trust you. They know you'll bring them other experts, you become an authority in their eyes, even if you don't necessarily know what you're talking about. But your guest does. They know that you know how to get to those people. So they still trust you, they still see you as an authority. If you are providing content related to the things that you teach, or you consult people on or you guide people through, then they already feel like you're their coach anyways. So when it's time to make that next step, why wouldn't they go with you? If they already feel like you have been coaching them through a certain problem or issue or learning a new skill or changing their life, you know, making these major huge life changes. When they want to take that further when they want to go the next step when they want to devote more time and energy into this. It's a no brainer for them. They're not even going to question moving forward with you. Another reason podcasting is so fantastic for bringing in new leads and generating brand awareness is because the content is evergreen and it doesn't just disappear. You know, if you do an Instagram story that goes away. Yes, you build that brand awareness in that moment for those people that just so happen to catch it while it was there. But then it disappears. If you put out a post on Facebook, it gets buried unless it goes viral. With podcast episodes, they are there in the feed, it's uncluttered. If you title your episodes, well they know exactly where to go to get information. You can optimize SEO so that it's easier to find those episodes when they're searching for a specific topic. It's not a wasted effort. It's evergreen content that continues to serve instead of just exist out in the vast online universe. As I mentioned in Episode One, you can constantly refer people back to your previous episodes. If you find that all of your clients have the same three basic questions every single time you talk to them, every single discovery call you get on they ask you the same things over and over again, create an episode about that and then you can refer that to them so you don't have to continue answering those same questions over and over and over again. That gives them the information they need. It saves you time and it gets them to your website or consuming upon Cast if they've never heard one before. And of course, since you're building up all of this trust, you need to move it forward. So a podcast is a perfect place to work in calls to action, it's a perfect place to tell them, they need to schedule a call with you, or go download your opt in to get on your newsletter, or go join your Facebook community so they can connect with you further, is a great starting point for building the foundation and this relationship that will lead to other things, and hopefully then becoming a client of yours. There's only so much that you can do in a Facebook ad. And yes, those are effective for certain things. But what about when you have an episode that you put out every single week and the call to action at the end of every single episode is to schedule a call with you? Chances are eventually that's going to sink into them. Eventually, they're going to say you know what, yeah, I do need to do this. I've wasted too much time. Let's get this call scheduled. So in the next episode, I am going to be talking about tactics for how to do these things, explaining just how you use a podcast what you say what you do, to bring in those leads and to generate that brand awareness. So now I have explained why you need to get on the podcasting bandwagon, how a podcast helps your business. And next we're going to explain what you can do to fully utilize the podcast so that you can generate brand awareness and get more leads. That is going to wrap it up for today. And I will see you back here in the next episode so that we can learn the exact tactics that you can use to help grow your coaching or consulting business. Have a fantastic day. And that wraps up another episode of podcasting for coaches. If you're wondering if now is the right time to start a podcast for your coaching or consulting business, head on over to podcasting for coaches.com where you can either take a free quiz or schedule a one on one consultation with yours truly, thank you so much for joining me today and I will see you back here for the next episode.


03: Tactics for Using Your Podcast to Bring in New Leads for Your Coaching or Consulting Business


01: Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Coaching or Consulting Business