00: How a Podcast Changed My Life - An Introduction to Podcasting for Coaches

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In this special introduction to Podcasting for Coaches, I explain who I am, how I became a podcaster, and how I transitioned into having a full-time business in the podcasting industry. I also explain why I've started this podcast and how this podcast is going to help coaches and consultants learn how to utilize their very own podcast to build brand awareness and generate more leads for their business.

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Welcome to podcasting for coaches. I'm Britany Felix and I'm a podcast launch consultant who specializes in helping coaches and consultants utilize the power of podcasting as a way to build brand awareness and generate new leads for their business. I realize not every new coach or consultant can afford to hire someone to help launch their show. So I created this podcast as a way to guide you through the process of launching and utilizing your very own podcast to help you grow your business and reach a new audience of adoring followers and potential clients. If you're ready to get your voice and podcast out into the world, head over to podcasting for coaches.com to learn more. Welcome to the special introductory episode of podcasting for coaches. As mentioned in the introduction to the show, I am Britany Felix, and I am a full time podcast launch consultant, and editor. In this special introduction, I'm going to give you a little bit of a background on who I am, why I started this podcast and what purpose it serves. I am 31 years old at the time of this recording, which is January 2018. So I am a millennial and like most millennials these days, I was fed up with living life on someone else's terms. I was stuck in a corporate job that I was absolutely miserable in, I bounced around from job to job about every two years because I just didn't like working for someone else. And I thought maybe the next one would be better. Of course, that was never the case, though, because I was just not meant to work for someone else. In October of 2015, I listened to my very first podcast ever. It no longer exists. Unfortunately, it was gone to the podcast graveyard. But it was from someone that I followed an influencer that I found online. And her entire brand was about not settling for a life that you don't want. And I loved all of her content, I connected with her. And so when I discovered she had a podcast, I decided it was time to learn what the heck a podcast was. I instantly fell in love with a medium. I loved consuming information in the auditory form. I could listen to the show and consume the content while I was driving to work, or working out which let's be honest, doesn't really happen all that often, or doing housework or basically anything, it was so easy to consume this information, I didn't have to sit at my computer and read a whole bunch and kind of be bored out of my mind and have all the words blend together. Just two months later, I decided that I wanted to start a podcast of my own. I was ready to break free from corporate and I thought a podcast was a way to do that. And it actually turns out that it was just not in the way I expected which is typically how life works. Just a couple months after deciding to start my own podcast, I was launched and out there on iTunes. And I was interviewing people who had given up a traditional lifestyle to travel the world full time since that was my ultimate goal. I wanted freedom. I wanted to be able to go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted, and not really have to answer to anyone else. But myself. Just a couple of months after launching my own podcast, a woman in a mastermind group that I was in, asked me if I could help her with her podcast because she was just getting slammed and she didn't have time to keep up with it. And she really liked the way my show sounded. So I agreed to start helping her out on the side. And that kind of snowballed into me having a full time business where I was able to leave corporate, and I was helping other podcasters get their message out into the world. And let's be honest, I was being paid to consume content that I would probably listen to anyways. Now a year and a half later, after going full time with my business, I want to do more, I really truly believe in the power of podcasts, to not only just be a hobby or be a way to grow your personal skills, but to grow your business. I am a consultant myself. And I want to help other coaches and consultants reach a new audience for their brand. Because I really believe in what coaches and consultants are doing. They are helping people change their lives, change their businesses. And that is a very, very powerful thing. So I feel truly honored to play a small part of that. Because of the business I have been able to start as a result of the skills that I learned from my own podcast. I now work from home, I work for myself, which is something I have wanted to do basically my entire life I've always known since I was a little kid. And I was not meant to lead a normal lifestyle. And in 2017, I was able to spend five weeks traveling a few different states in the US visiting friends and family while still working full time for my clients. And then in October of 2017 I was able to spend a month in Bali, and then a week in Chiang Mai, Thailand. So I was able to finally live my dream lifestyle because of the decision to start a podcast two years before. So if you are a coach or consultant, especially if you are a budding one if you were just now getting into this business and you're trying to find out how to build your audience, how to find those avid followers who want to consume all of your content, how to bring in leads, this is the podcast for you because starting a podcast is the absolute way to do that. If you are listening to this podcast right now, your proof that this works, you are here listening to this content right now. So why not do the same thing for your audience, why not give them the free content that is going to make them want more, make them want to connect with you further make them want to hire you. So this podcast is going to help you learn how to start one, I do have a course for starting a podcast for your coaching or consulting business. And you can of course, hire me directly. But not everyone can afford that. And I don't think it's fair to leave those people out. If you have just started your business, you're not in a position to do that yet. So this podcast will guide you through the entire process of launching a podcast specifically for your coaching or consulting business. And then of course, once we get through all the launch steps, we're going to continue with ways on how to really maximize your efforts and your time and become more efficient. And eventually, we're going to have some interviews probably with other coaches and consultants who are utilizing these same strategies. So if you want to bring in more leads for your business, if you want to generate more brand awareness, if you want more followers that are going to absolutely adore you, and consume every bit of content you put out, go ahead and subscribe to this podcast right now. This will ensure that you do not miss any future episodes. And you will be able to get all of the content and all of the information that you need to start a podcast for your coaching or consulting business. And of course, if you want to reach out and connect with me further, if you don't want to waste any time, and you're ready to do this thing, you can go to podcasting for coaches calm and schedule a free 15 minute strategy session with me where we can talk about how podcasts can help your specific business. I am so excited that you're here. I'm so excited that you are considering taking this next step, which I know will be huge for your business. Thank you so much for joining me and I look forward to connecting with you further. And that wraps up another episode of podcasting for coaches. If you're wondering if now is the right time to start a podcast for your coaching or consulting business, head on over to podcasting for coaches.com where you can either take a free quiz or schedule a one on one consultation with yours truly, thank you so much for joining me today and I will see you back here for the next episode.


01: Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Coaching or Consulting Business