Podcasting Insiders Club

Want to keep up with the latest podcasting news, trends, tips, and tricks without having to do all the research?

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Don’t Get Left Behind!

If you’re not keeping up with the podcasting industry, you and your show are going to get left behind.

You’re going to miss out on critical updates that will help you reach new audiences.

Don’t let other podcasts grow and adapt while yours stays the same.

Don’t Waste Your Time!

You have much better things to do with your time than spend hours each week staying up-to-date with the latest podcasting news, policy updates, trends, software, etc.

Instead of listening to podcasts about podcasting and analyzing the most recent data, why don’t you land new clients, plan new courses and services, and create more amazing content for your podcast!

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Let Me Do All The Work!

As a Podcast Consultant and Editor, it’s my job to know what’s happening in the podcasting industry … what the latest trends are, what strategies are working, and what new flashy tools are a waste of your time and money.

Let me pass all that information on to you in a concise way so you know exactly what you need to know without doing all the work.


What’s The Podcasting Insiders Club?

It’s an email newsletter that goes out on the first day of the month. It breaks down the industry updates, products, and insights I’ve come across during the previous month that I think you, as someone who wants to be a successful podcaster, should know.

There might also be occasional additional emails for urgent news that shouldn’t wait until the end of the next issue. (And, by occasional, I mean this might happen a couple of times throughout the entire year at most. No crazy spamming here, I promise!)

It also includes member-exclusive archived versions of all the newsletters so you can look at previous issues right on my website without having to hunt and dig through your emails for each one.


How Much Does It Cost?

$5 per month.

That’s it. Really.

For less than one cup of coffee … just kidding, I never acquired the taste for coffee and I have no idea how much a cup of it actually costs. :)

But, seriously, it’s only $5 per month to get invaluable podcasting information curated just for you delivered right to your inbox.