03: Tactics for Using Your Podcast to Bring in New Leads for Your Coaching or Consulting Business

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In this episode, I’ll provide some tips and tactics for generating brand awareness and bringing in new leads through your podcast; including how to promote yourself even while interviewing other people, why you need to have a solo time even if your show is interview based, and how to highlight your products and services naturally.

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Welcome to podcasting for coaches. I'm Britany Felix and I'm a podcast launch consultant who specializes in helping coaches and consultants utilize the power of podcasting as a way to build brand awareness and generate new leads for their business. I realize not every new coach or consultant can afford to hire someone to help launch their show. So I created this podcast as a way to guide you through the process of launching and utilizing your very own podcast to help you grow your business and reach a new audience of adoring followers and potential clients. If you're ready to get your voice and podcast out into the world, head over to podcasting for coaches.com to learn more. Welcome to this episode of podcasting for coaches. In Episode One, I talked about why podcasting is fantastic for growing and coaching or consulting business. Why there are people there who want to get some your information, I gave you some great statistics and data to support that. So if you have not listened to it yet, make sure that you go check it out. In the second episode, I explained what it is about a podcast that makes it so fantastic for coaches and consultants. Why is it something that you should be utilizing? What is it about the format that really reaches your audience in a different way from any other format of putting content out there. And as promised, in this episode, I am going to be giving you specific tactics for how to utilize a podcast to generate brand awareness and bring in more leads. So once you have this podcast going and you have built this know like and trust, they love you, they consider you their friend, they consider you their coach already, you have to let them know what to do next, you have to explain who you are, you have to explain what your services are. I cannot tell you how many people I have come across who have a podcast for their business and never say what their business is ever. I literally have a client right now who I have no clue what his businesses because he never mentions it in his show. Side note, this is something I've talked to him about multiple times. But you know, you can only make people do so much. So we need to make sure that you are talking about yourself even if you are doing interview episodes. Even if you are bringing on other experts, which is perfectly fine. By the way, you still need to highlight yourself. Most interview episodes a highlight the guest, it is 90%, the guest talking 10% the host, that's not exactly ideal for you bringing in new clients, it's great for an interview, it's great for a podcast, not ideal for getting your listeners to fall in love with you, they're going to fall in love with your guest. Again, I'm not saying don't have guests on your show. But if you do do interview episodes, make sure that you work a little bit of yourself into the conversation, have a rapport with the guest help the listener feel like they are just sitting right there amongst two friends having a conversation in a coffee shop, that's going to still continue that bond while highlighting your gift at the same time. And another thing I highly highly, highly recommend that so few people take advantage of if you're doing interview episodes, also do solo episodes, or at the very least have a solo segment at the end of the show, where you provide your thoughts on what was discussed how I handled this in my original podcast, which I have since retired after a nearly two year run was I did an interview on Monday and Wednesday, it was a two part interview. And then every Friday, I would do a solo episode where it was just me, the solo episodes are much shorter, they were only about 10 to 20 minutes, they don't need to be super long. We just need to continue building that bond, we need to continue letting the audience know who you are and what you do. So speaking of letting them know what you do, you also need to mention your products and services occasionally, don't just put your call to action in the outro. And assume that's it. A lot of people turn off the podcast once the contents over. If the outro is the same for every single episode, they're probably not going to listen to it. If they are in a position where they can turn off that episode or skip to the next one they're going to. So don't just assume that because it's in there, you're fine, because you're not you still need to mention it occasionally in episodes. So when you're talking to a guest or when you're even doing solo episodes, bring up those products, find a way to organically work it into the conversation. You obviously don't want to be talking about something completely unrelated. And then have your response be Oh yeah, well, I have a course on blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It needs to come up organically. But actively look for those opportunities where you can talk about that. If your guest is talking about how they struggled with figuring out how to do SEO for the website. And you just so happen to have an SEO course. That's a perfect time to work it in. You could say something like, Oh, yeah, you know, I really struggled with that too, until I buckled down with it. And I really learned it and I know that a lot of people struggle with that, which is actually why I created my SEO course. And it's an organically. You don't have to sound like you're selling but you still need to actually sell and that works the same way. If you don't have a course but you have services. constantly be talking about how you help your clients and speaking Have that another great way to do that is if you have clients who are willing to do live coaching calls and turn it into a podcast episode, that is amazing people can see how you work, they understand exactly what it's gonna be like to work with you, what services you can provide the expertise that you have, those are fantastic. And they can be released to special episodes. If your client is not okay with being coached live, or if you're not okay with having that coaching session, go out there to the masses, then you can always just interview your clients either existing or current. And that is another great way to really showcase how someone works with you, they're going to see how anamod your client is with you, and that's going to rub off on them, they're going to want to become that client, they're going to want to have that relationship with you, and that rapport with you. And they're going to want to have you helping them just like you've helped your other client. So now, if you are a coach or consultant already, you are probably familiar with funnels, you know how to get people through a process in order to get them to your product or service. This is just another step in the funnel. podcasting is what brings in those cold leads and turns them into warm ones. So you want to make sure you have a call to action, there needs to be something else. You're not going to make money just by them listening to your podcast, not unless you have sponsors, which is a huge No, no. And I will talk about that in another episode. So don't forget to ask something of your audience, tell them what you want to do next, don't just assume that they're going to love you. And then they're going to find you on Facebook, or they're going to seek out your website. Give it to them, don't make them work for it. Provide your website address in every single episode, give them links to the show notes. So they can go to your website to get more, provide opt ins for them so that they can download those and get onto your email list. Create a Facebook community for them and then invite them to join and build a community amongst themselves. Whatever that next step is that you want them to take. Ask for it, tell them, tell them what you want them to do. Tell them what is going to give them results. Tell them how they can connect with you tell them how they can move forward. So many podcasters have their only call to action, or their final call to action beaters and leave a review for their show. This is insane to me, that review is not going to get you anything, people are under the misconception that it will bring in more traffic to your show. It will not it is a very very, very teeny tiny part and whatever freaking insane algorithm that is top secret from iTunes, that put your show in front of new people. Reviews are a teeny tiny part of that. That is not the most effective use of your time or your audience's time. It's not the most effective use of your podcast or your call to action. So yes, sure, occasionally ask for reviews, that's fine, but do not make that your final call to action. You want them to take the next step in connecting with you further. So those are my main tips and tactics. We're going to of course discuss more specialized things as we get further into this launch process. And further into really maximizing your show once it's launched. But I wanted to get those out there for you right now. Because creating your intros and outros and things like that are going to be what's coming up in these next few episodes, we're going to start diving into the actual creation of your podcast and putting it out on the iTunes and all of the other platforms. So I wanted to get this out of the way now. In the next episode, I'm going to explain some things you absolutely need to know before starting a podcast. These are things that you need to be aware of before you make the decision as to whether or not this is the next logical step for your coaching or consulting business. If you don't want to wait until then, feel free to schedule a free strategy session with me by going to podcasting for coaches comm See what I did there. I did the ask. Thank you so much for joining me today and I will see you back here next week. And that wraps up another episode of podcasting for coaches. If you're wondering if now is the right time to start a podcast for your coaching or consulting business, head on over to podcasting for coaches.com where you can either take a free quiz or schedule a one on one consultation with yours truly, thank you so much for joining me today and I will see you back here for the next episode.


04: What You Need to Know Before Starting a Podcast for Your Coaching or Consulting Business


02: How a Podcast Will Bring in New Leads for Your Coaching or Consulting Business